TIMID MAGAZINE : Be brave, be loud, be unapologetic

Hoang and Anh Nguyen grew up with a father who they dubbed, "The Goodwill Raider” – a man who consistently collected thrift store junk and spun it into gold. Their father learned this necessary skill in order to survive in the United States after leaving everything behind in Communist Vietnam.

"Back then there was no technology, families were separated, and people were displaced with no contact all over the world," Anh recalls.

As refugees, the family’s only shot at a new life was sailing away to the open seas on a banana boat – with the slim chance of being picked up by a trade freighter. The Nguyens sailed on that banana boat with no end in sight for almost a week. What was originally a fishing boat had been modified to accommodate 100 people brimming with hope. Survival of the voyage was uncertain… (Read the full article)

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