Last & First - Big Sur CA.


36.361° N, 121.856° W //

a. US 101-S to Cabrillo Hwy 1

b.  Los Pedres National Forest

c. Sand Dollar Beach @ Big Sur, CA.

d. Camp either Prewitt Ridge or Plasket Ridge Rd  (Both are dispersed camping. No need for reservation) 


Happy New Years everyone. How’d you bring in the New Year? I spent mine camping in Big Sur for the last time of the year, and surfed for the first time of 2018.

Yes, I had major fomo while my friends and family raged together. But, I’m glad I went outdoors. I feel like camping into the new year is going to be an annual thing for me. Out there with the birds I spent time reflecting. I feel blessed to have a job, a home, great friends and Good health. I wish for all those things to continue to vibrate vibrantly.

Cheers to 2018.